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Common Lens Types
What Type of lens do you need?.
Many factors, including work, sports, hobbies and prescription strength contribute to getting the ideal pair of glasses or combination of glasses. Frequently a single pair isn’t the ideal solution. Our multiple pair packages can be tailored to your exact requirements and it won’t cost a fortune.

Has a single correction in the entire lens. General purpose, Can correct distance,
near or intermediate vision.

This is essentially two lenses in one. The main lens, Usually for distance, and a smaller lens located just below eye level
used for reading. The standard bifocal for decades

This is similar to the bifocal but has a third lens area above the reading segment for arms length vision
such as computer screens or store shelves

Invented by Ben Franklin and originally two lenses cut in half and placed together in the frame. Now made out of one piece of plastic or glass. The top is for distance and the entire bottom for reading. This design produces a lens that is 2 to 4 times thicker than flat top bifocals or progressives. Executive Bifocals are available in a limited prescription range so they are not suitable in many cases.

Commonly referred to as NO-Line Bifocals, While progressive lens has no lines, This term is not quite accurate as progressive lenses do far more than ordinary bifocals. Progressives gradually change power from distance to reading giving the wearer an intermediate focus range in addition to distance and near. This is a more natural, gradual and useful way to change from distance to reading and cosmetically more appealing. Progressive lenses must be accurately fit and adjusted to each individual in order to experience maximum comfort and usefulness. To really know if progressive lenses are your best choice you must try them in your own prescription. You cannot predict your satisfaction with progressive lenses based on someone else's experience or by trying on their progressive Glasses.
At The Eyewear Outlet we encourage you to try progressive lenses for yourself, RISK FREE. If you don't adapt, for ANY reason, we will change them to bifocals, Trifocals or separate distance and reading glasses